Title: The First Laugh
Author: poestheblackcat
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Dean, Sam, Castiel, Uriel (Gen)
Warning/Spoilers: Mid-Season 4, pure crack
Summary: Castiel laughs for the first time.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters not mine, yadda-yadda.
The First Laugh
Part 1: The First Laugh
Sam and Dean were at it again.
"Sam! I'm gonna kill you! You are dead, you hear me? Dead!"
"Ahaha haha."
"You drugged me, you little shit!"
"Payback, jerk."
That's right. Winchester Prank War # 32.
And that's when Castiel arrived with a fluttering of wings. He found himself confronted with Sam clutching his stomach, laughing with tears in his eyes, and Dean glaring muderously at him.
Or as murderously as someone with electric blue hair standing on end and dressed in a fluffy white bunny outfit could look.
Castiel took in the scene with a bewildered expession. And did a double take at Dean. His lips twitched and he had to take in a gulp of air.
Once he let it out, however, he felt, or rather, his vessel felt the need to--guffaw!
Castiel's eyes widened. What was that? Was that a...laugh? He had never laughed before, but it felt good, so he did it again.
"Ha. Hahaha."
His lips tweaked up in pleasure and he let out a long, rumbling, heartfelt laugh.
Sam and Dean by this time were gazing in confusion at the angel laughing by himself in the middle of their motel room, their pranking long forgotten.
"What the hell?"
Part 2: Contagion...It Spreads