Eclaire Challenge

Nov 12, 2007 20:39

Ladywilde80 and I got in a bit of a drabble challenge with each other tonight, because I wanted to write some Elle/Claire (of whom ladywilde80 and I call "Eclaire"), and I got her in the mood to as well, so we both wrote drabbles. Hers is MUCH better than mine, but here is mine. SORRY IT SUCKS! Please forgive me. XD First femslash I've ever written.

Elle was not emotionally invested in anything, except for giving pain.

It was the one thing she felt safe in saying she loved.

Some called her sadistic, others insane, she just said she was appreciating a less explored side of life.

She enjoyed torturing many of the expendable features of The Company's holding cells.

Claire Bennet was not expendable, but she looked like great fun.

She'd heal and heal again no matter what anybody did to her, and The Company tested that to the limit.

Elle wanted to have her turn, but they kept telling her no.

She wouldn't stand for it any longer, she despised being told no.

She had the code for both the cell and the cameras. She turned those off before she entered Claire's cell at four in the morning, making sure it was locked behind her.

She didn’t want to get caught, that would end her games too quickly.

Smirking, she awoke the sleeping Claire, surely awaking her from nightmares.

She was doing her a favor.

Claire was terrified, that was obvious by the look in her dark, lovely gray eyes.

"Oh, I didn't mean to frighten you."

"The hell you didn't. You aren't allowed to touch me, I heard them say so."

Elle smirked and cocked her head,

"But they aren't here to stop me, now are they?"

Claire backed herself up against the wall of her cot, curling her arms around her knees, like that was going to protect her.

Yes, she'd been poked and prodded by The Company, used in a way she never thought possible; she'd learned to be afraid.

And yet, even with all of that fear, she’d never seen what Elle could do, she had no idea what was in store.

Elle would make sure it was like nothing before, she would make her scream, Claire had never screamed during their experiments.

Electricity hummed through the air around them, intensifying the brightness of the white room.

At first, she wouldn’t scream.

Elle almost gave up, she was getting bored, but finally Claire Bennet let out a striking, agonizing scream.

Elle was satisfied in the knowledge she could make anyone scream, even the invincible, immortal Claire Bennet.

She knew she’d found her new plaything.

Claire was shivering on the floor, tears coursing down her face.

Elle leaned down, kissing Claire softly on her salty wet lips.

“You exceeded my expectations.”

“Be back, miss me while I’m gone.”

Her game hadn’t ended yet.

They’d just assume she had another nightmare; she’d had so many already.

Elle was just a new addition to them.

Here's a link to ladywilde80 much better done drabble.

eclaire, drabble, elle, claire

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