Third Post of the week...
I don't really have much to talk about today. Not in a 'ranting' mood, but I always have a few things up my sleeve. First...
YAY! The Matthew Shepard Act has passed the House! Next is the Senate. I really hope it passes, but I'm not holding my breath. I don't want to be disappointed, y'know?
Second, I randomly watched The Mentalist with my mom and sister today, and lo and behold! Fredric Lane graces the screen! (He's the guy who played Azazel on Supernatural for those of you who don't know.) He was a cop this time around, and I kept expecting him to spout yellow eyes and get up into the closest male's personal space, XD!
Other than that, I had a pretty damned bad day. It started when I woke up this morning and my sister woke up. Not her fault, but her voice grates me the wrong way, so I was automatically in a terrible mood. And then a couple of my classes keep piling on homework and it's driving me insane. (It's the end of the year.. We have to worry about college, why can't they give us a fucking break? Especially since the classes that are giving me work used to be 'slack-off' classes. Where did the teachers even get the motivation to finally give us work?!)
Then, when I got home, a neighbor was here. A very annoying neighbor who never seems to realize she has outlived her welcome for at least a couple hours after we're sick of her... She's nice and all, but Christ! She's loud and nosy and irritating.. *twitch* So, she got me in a bad mood, and in turn I got my British love Kirsty in a bad mood, and I hate doing that.. so my evening sucked. Until I saw Fredric Lane anyways, he cheered me up a bit...
Uhh, on the good side of things, I'm going to see Wolverine at the Midnight Showing tomorrow. Yay, Deadpool! (Please don't fuck him up, TPTB. Please, please, please..)
And, let's see.. What else.. I'm worried about the Supernatural finale. I haven't exactly heard anything horrific since I don't read spoilers for SPN, but after the whole Heroes fiasco, I'm a little anxious. I really don't want yet another show ruined for me... So, please, Kripke, don't fuck this up. You got a lot of good things going for you, please realize that.
Uhh... That's it for today. OH, since I've got that movie tomorrow, I might not be able to post for my fourth day. I'll make it up with either an extremely long post, or, if I'm home, an entry all about the movie.
Hope everyone had a fantastic day! ^_^
One more quick thing to share. Through a link I found on
greyelveneyes's journal, I discovered this icon by
Hilarious and utterly true, right?! I laughed my ass off and didn't stop for quite some time after I saw this... *sigh* Such a waste...