So, I slept at seven yesterday (I was EXHAUSTED and just couldn't stay up) and just got done watching the last episode.
Cut for extreme bitching and spoilers.
Elle and Sylar would NEVER have met by the timeline set in the comics and the tv show combined. Eden trained Elle, yeah? So, apparently.. Elle went on an assignment of Gabriel after her first assignment was Claire (And Claire being in that burning building? Yeah, definitely did not happen six months before homecoming.. And a year before? How about a year and a half.) before Eden ever appeared....
... WTF?!
And Gabriel acting like a woobie once more. Canon weak!Sylar much? And SO stupid! Okay? STUPID! He was THRILLED to have powers, to be special. No matter the cost. Fuck that shit.
Also, Elle was rather out of character. The only reason I can see she might care was because of the comics, where she cared about that one guy. Even so, she's a SOCIOPATH! What happened to her characterization?!
I hated the Sylar/Elle.. it was forced. All I saw was KB and her gay best friend. Enough said.
And Bennet was SO OOC it was crazy! Watching Sylar cut open someone's head and being fascinated? Sorry, I don't see it, not to that extreme.
Meredith fine. Thompson. Great, just cause I missed him and his uber creepiness. But that mention of Claude? EPIC FAIL! Claude had been rogue for a LONG time before that. Hello! Do the writers think we're THAT forgetful?! Seriously?! Unless there's another invisible man waltzing around, which I suppose is very possible with the way they go through powers in twos.
Arthur is an asshole, I hate him. Angela is one badass motherfucker. Nathan and Peter were awesome, I was glad to see some Petrellicest (Funeral hugging, yay!) For once, the Petrellis were about the only good thing about this episode. Oh, when HRG went into the cab and Peter came out, doesn't he go right to Nathan where he's campaigning to be in the HOUSE!? He's no longer just an assistant DA. Another proven timeline inconsistency, among too many to fucking COUNT!
Killing Usutu was also epic fail. He had a LOT of potential. This show seems to be going more for shock factors rather than actually good plot twists with an obvious goal in mind.
It is official, even more than before. I hate this season. And this episode? In my mind, it never happened. It had way too many plotholes and the timeline was so fucking off. Just.. Come on. ><
Note: What was Trevor's powers? Bullets or something? O.O
So, in light of new spoilers dealing with Elle & Sylar, I is done.
I say we all stop watching so the writers get a clue.
In the words of one SNL Skit. What do they need to do? "FIX IT! SOMEONE NEEDS TO GET IN HERE AND.. FIX IT!!!!"