Okay, so in light of my disastrous ACTs, MMEs, and MEAPs (I still have one day left of testing), I've begun to look at myself in a different light. Or, in such a way that makes me doubt myself. A lot. Myself, my life, my friends, my situation, but one thing that stands out to me is my writing. It was always something I did for fun, to relieve myself of real life stress. Whether that was writing stupid poems, rping, or writing fics. Now, it's become somewhat of a chore and I enjoy it less. I've also become critical of it, not wanting to post most of it because of my own thoughts of how 'good', or in my case, bad, it is.
I need some help from you guys, friends list and random readers, to give me some brutal honesty. (Yes, I'm stealing from that Brutal Honesty meme.) If you can, I would like some constructive criticism about my writing. I myself think I lack in some details, perhaps emotions, and dialog. Those are my opinions, among others. What do you think, do you agree? What else do I need to work on, what else do I lack? Also, if you can, since I know I'm setting myself up for some major hurt, tell me what you like about my writing so I can strengthen that aspect even more. You can chose to comment anonymously if you'd like but I swear, I won't be angry about anything you say. I'm asking for this as a way to improve my writing so that, maybe, I can one day be proud of my writing. (I have issues, <<)
I know what some of you say might depress me for a while but I'm already utterly depressed so what will it hurt?
Note: A BIG thank you to everyone who commented on my last post and gave me such encouraging words, it really made me feel great to know you guys cared!