Mar 30, 2016 17:28
I once lived in an illusion
Where I thought solitude was the only comfort
That my hardened soul can afford.
The music plays quietly...
It was not that I feared rejection
Nor I wished for anyone's affection;
I celebrated being on my own
And as I clasp my hands, the music continues con dolore
For the longest time, I have been deaf
A cruel fate to my heart's silent whispers of hope
That one day it can find a home in someone's arms.
Sempre staccato... I separate myself.
It was you who heard those whispers
Hushing my fears, breaking down the barriers
Prima volta... It felt like I was reborn
Into a world that you decorated with the music of your laughter.
I learned to smile not inspite of myself, but because of you
Swiftly, you stole my attention, my interest, my heart.
All my thoughts dance in rapidly driven strokes
The sounds within me are ascending, moving higher... closer to you.
I will never surrender the intensity of this moment to my memories.
Poco a poco, we carve our story in the face of history.
And your hands are the map which I long to explore...
Give me a thousand lifetimes to look at you once more.