I know I haven't updated for quite sometime, but I figured it's better I waited until I actually had something to post about. Unlike
lord_sasquatch, who posts about twenty five times within the hour. All irrelevant, mind. HEH. Jokes, jokes..
Basically, I've been better. A lot better..but I'm hanging in there. Just taking it one day at a time. That's all I can do, really. All I ask is for peace of mind if I can't have what I truly want. Sigh.
I've been trying as much as possible to keep myself occupied, especially my mind. I've got myself in the habit of working out everyday. As a matter of fact, after I'm finished typing out this entry, I'm going to do my usual four mile walk. I know that's all great and stuff that I'm not being a lazy bastard, but it's just unfortunate that it took certain events for the motivation. Oh, sigh. I just hope before too long that I will be able to see RESULTS. I'm getting so impatient, and half worried that I am unable to shed all of this excess "jello," if you will.
I'm looking into getting another part-time job, or, if possible, a full-time job. I really need to save up a good chunk of cash so that I can purchase my OWN means of transportation. My time of being a burden is coming to an end. Oh, I'm sure those of you who had the pleasure of driving my sorry ass around will be, indeed, deeply saddened that you won't have to waste gas anymore. But it won't be for another few months before that happens, so get me while you can, eh?
I finally got put on some medication, you guys. Praise Jesus, indeed! I'm elated to report that I'm NOT crazy, just severely melancholy. They just put me on Zoloft. It's just going to be frustrating because the stuff won't kick in for a few weeks. Gah, I fucking hate being an impatient twat. I annoy myself, for Christ's sake.
Over and out, good buddy.