Nov 21, 2008 23:50
Let me start by apologizing (not, I know, the most auspicious of beginnings) for sending a mass email like this. I wanted all of you (for whom I regularly thank the Muses and any and all associated deities) to know about certain changes I'm implementing immediately, which will result in more story updates, more often, and as soon as possible. (As in tomorrow.)
Many of you have either started LJs or drop by LJs which you've otherwise abandoned to read what I write. I never fail to be awed and humbled when I consider that. It's also caused me a considerable amount of distress over the past 6 weeks, since my chances of writing for 4 of them were nonexistent and my updates have been sporadic at best for the last two. You've all granted me a considerable gift by continuing to read, and I don't want to take it for granted, or lose it through carelessness.
After careful consideration, I've decided that I'm going to update twice a week, on specified days. Until the second week of January, those days will be Wednesday and Saturday, meaning that if ya'll choose to swing by stars_to_burn on Thursday or Sunday, there'll be updates waiting for you both days.
I don't plan for that to change when I begin school again next semester-- I already know my schedule. But I'll insert a "we'll see" to cover contingencies-- if I do change that schedule I'll warn you in advance.
Also, should my week go badly wrong and leave me with nothing to post on a Wednesday or Saturday (and if I cannot get in the writing I plan in a week, something will have gone very badly wrong indeed), I'll post a note telling you that I'm alive and when I'll be back.
I also want to tell you that, as those of you who've read up to Wednesday's post know, the background posts between present-day posts will be longer, and will go up in larger chunks.
The pace will almost certainly slow when we get to the new (the "new new", as thessamp says) material, that which was never posted on SR. This is partly because I want to get us up to the point at which I moved the story off SR as soon as is possible without compromising the rewrite.
Because I'll be posting on a regular schedule, and because I want my posts about the story to be separate from the story itself, I'll be using the "poein" journal for commentary and updates on the story's progress. (I will, for example, be posting this note there.)
I will post story updates there more slowly; it's much, much easier to post them to one journal than to two. Given the schedule I keep, keeping thoughts on writing separated from the writing itself will greatly increase my peace and orderliness of mind (and thus, hopefully, my writing speed).
Those of you who haven't yet joined the community stars_to_burn, I ask to do so. I'll do my best to make certain those of you who don't wish to join can read the story on "poein"'s journal, but it will be updated much more slowly. You should also know that, should privacy be one of your worries, the members of stars_to_burn are not listed publicly.
I sent invitations to stars_to_burn to every person on poein's friends list; if you don't know how to accept an invitation to join a community, or didn't see your invitation, please message me and we'll straighten it out.
Thank you all again (and again and yet again) for your faith in me, and your continued readership. I appreciate it, quite literally, more than I can say.
author's note