tomorrow starts school again and im kinda sad :( but hey i just need to go there 3 days and then we are off to China :) the most troublesome part is that in these days i have 2 tests that i think im going to fail
nowadays i suck at studying, i should have done some now but havent...
the easter break has been good though, but bad too, mostly good, kinda fun and awesome actually (: met some new ppl and many things happened too but some things have made me confused and these past days ive done a lot of thinking >.< i've just decided not to care much about it and let it all just go its on way~ go with the flow you know ;D
but yeah enough of that, FANGIRLING TIME NOW 8DDD
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cant wait for the whole vid to come out O.O lee jun ki looks just so awesome, and so good, kinda extraordinary XD how can a guy look so hot?
Then TVXQ's new vid:
Click to view
um... <--- that was my first expression of this vid. i dont get it? XD like whats the point with the whole vid..
and its so little dace :O
i think the vid producer or something must have been high while thinking of a concept for this vid XD i mean this vid has like no meaning at all! they are first swimming.. and then they are like flying (?)
i wonder what the boys thinks of this vid XD
i heard that this song was for One Piece, OTS, i didnt know about that :O really awesome!
NEWS did a ETS for One Piece before too, Sayaendou, really love that song :)
One Piece is one of my fave manga and TVXQ is one of my fave K-pop groups while NEWS are one of my fave J-pop groups so this = WIN 8DDv