Mar 23, 2008 12:35
It's been 8 weeks. The internet tells me so. And what an 8 weeks it's been. Apparently I posed in this new year, but I don't really remember that.
Kate and I are dating. I have a girlfriend. What is this bullshit?
I have a new major and I've made new friends and yadda yadda. For the record I still don't like school, but now what I'm doing has an impact on me and allows me some time to think and is challenging in a good way. Hi ho.
I read over my past entries, specifically those throughout my trip to China and forward. I realized that I think I have the capability to write something that's actually interesting, but I need to develop my skills some more. Basically to be able to write without pause from another perspective than first-person. Hi ho.
Also, read Slapstick. I'm going back to sleep.
He has risen, apparently.