Title: A Well Respected Man (Chapter 2 - This Is Your Life)
ar_poe Rating: PG
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Summary: Spoilers for 'The Big Game' and 'Revelations.' What happened during Dr. Reid's group therapy and throughout his recovery.
Chapter 1 can be found
Chapter 2 )
Comments 4
As for whether or not to add in the slash, I think it depends on how long you're planning the story to be. If it's going to be quite a few chapters, then I'd say develop the friendship more now, get them to become really close to each other, and then you can add in a little extra. If it's only going to be a couple more chapters, by all means, if you think it fits, add it in now. :)
I sorta like this bond that they're forming here, how Reid is trusting him over anyone else, their eating pizza together, that type of thing. It has all the ingredients to turn into either a great bromance, or even a romance.
Awesome work, I can't wait to read more!
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