(no subject)

Nov 09, 2005 09:13

I can't believe it.

.. Actually, I can.

But it's still extremely, extremely depressing. The worst part? For the rest of the day I have to act like nothing's the matter, because no one at work knows. Actually, I believe they assume me to be "one of them." I've infiltrated their society, guys, and it's UGLY.

How is it anyone's concern? Why do all these people care whether or not two happy, consenting adults choose to be gay or straight? It is, without a doubt, the most awful event that has happened in 2005.

I'm really.. I can't talk about it. I will cry if I do. Thank you, State of Texas, for telling me and all my gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered family that we're an abomination. And fuck you. Fuck you for taking our tax dollars AND our right to a basic fucking HAPPINESS.

Fuck you for saying we're not good enough!!

Fuck everyone who thinks that allowing gays to marry would ruin the "sanctity" of the marital contract. Oh, like Britney Spears didn't? Like ALL YOU STUPID MOTHERFUCKING BASTARDS WHO'VE HAD EVEN ONE DIVORCE HAVEN'T RUINED THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE?!

Fuck the Bible beating hypocrites who are so quick to mentally and spiritually rape the people of Texas with their own personal opinions!!

And fuck you if you voted against us. Just.. fuck you, okay? You don't know what you've done and what you've started. And how dare you think you're better than us.

You know what this all amounts to?

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