Gah, I did a very stupid thing just now.
I was trying to go to FAQ to ask how to post pictures (I do it so rarely I always forget the tag) and I clicked on the link but DIDN'T click to open it in another window, thereby obliterating my journal entry I'd already written. No worries, though. It was only like three paragraphs. Just a mild annoyance.
Since I have no clue what they said, I'm just starting over.
So, first off.. Pictures! These are pictures from Austin *and* pictures from just.. recently. I don't post them anymore because it's too damn much effort.
I'm going to post them under an LJ cut because there are so many and they're so big.
Just a picture of me. The date is sooo wrong.. I didn't even HAVE a camera back in 2004!
This is Ronnie right after he got his hair cut. I hawk'ed it for him. Cute, huh?
I'm not really sure about this one. She looks like a club kid hobo.
This is Tash and her boyfriend, Nate. Her eyes were closed because of the direct sunlight, not because she's so in awe of being in his presence. That was why MY eyes were squinched closed!
This is Jaimie and I voguing (how do you even SPELL that?!) by the lake in Austin outside our restaurant.
Me and my sistah from anothah mistah. <333 I love Tasha. I had to hold her up for like, thirty seconds while everyone scrambled to get their cameras, though. No more cupcakes!
Squint at the black sign draped across the bottom of the picture.. That's right! An Adult Swim banner! How cool is THAT?!
Me today at work
This is what I stare at every single day. If you look at the bottom of the picture and notice the pushpins, that's my picture of Tyler hanging up at my desk. <333
I hope all the frigging tags in that work, that's all I can say.
So, the Austin trip did turn out pretty damn well, if I do say so myself. I wasn't randomly attacked by crazed ugly girls who used to stalk me (didn't figure I would be) and we had really delicious (albeit expensive) lunch and .. It was fun!
We all know my reputation for directions.. And that totally worked against us on the way to Austin. We took 290 all the way, and riiiiight before we got into Brenham, my older sister saw this road sign that said, "290 Business Exit" or something to that effect. She swung the car to the right and we exited, and I looked up from my book and asked why we'd gotten off 290. She explained to me what the sign said, and I started laughing and told her, "Oh yeah, we dealt with this driving to Brownwood. The 290 business exit is just that.. an exit for some businesses off of 290. We needed to keep going straight." She rolled her eyes and told me to shut up, that I'm not the master of directions, that she was, and that we were still on 290 headed the right way. So I mummed up and let her figure it out on her own. As the road went from three lanes to two lanes to one single lane, she finally acknowledged the possibility that I might know what I'm talking about, so.. she called Susan (her friend, the one in pink behind me and Tasha in that picture) and Susan confirmed for her that I was correct and we needed to go back to 290. *grin* I don't think I've ever done a more enthusiastic victory dance.
Well, when do I ever get to be right about directions? Seriously.
Then, we got to Austin, ate at the Hula Hut (owned by the same people who own Chuys in the Woodlands) and hung out hardcore with Tasha. I was so happy.. We just talked and talked and kept excluding everyone else, so poor Nate and Ronnie and Jaimie essentially had to fend for themselves conversationally. Stacia and Susan were doing the same catching up thing Tasha and I were doing, so we were all off in our own little worlds.
Tash and Nate had to leave after that *cries* but we stayed in Austin and went over to a coffee shop right down the road. Then we left there and went to.. Book People? I dunno, it was a huge book store off 6th Street. AND we went to the Whole Foods Mart.. SOOOO cool! I've never seen that much healthy shit in my life. No wonder I didn't see any fat people in Austin.
The drive home was uneventful. Ronnie and I sat in the back and kicked back with pillows and read and talked and basically stayed entertained until we got back home. I bought two new Dilbert books (one of the collections of the comic strip and a book written by the creator, which, so far, is hilarious) and so I tore into those for the three hour drive home. Also, Ronnie was a little tipsy because he had some drinks at the Hula Hut. (I helped.. shhh!)
So all in all it was a really good trip. We were home by eight, got to relax.. And TASHA TASHA TASHA-TY TASH TASH!
She's flying in September 10th, so I'm going to pick her up at the airport and we're going to spend the day together. I'm like a little puppy about to pee myself from excitement!!
I stalked Kate today. It was fun. If she hadn't noticed me walking in, I was fully intending on sneaking up behind her and grabbing her boob and going, "A-booga booga booga!" Damn her for turning around!
What would Barrett have done if I'd done that, I wonder...?
Anyhow, everything is gravy and the day is almost done. I'm sooooo tired and ready to go home. I'll update more on Thursday or Friday because my boss, along with all the agents, is going out of town. Heeeeeeeeeeeello freedom!
<3 Amy
PS Megan's new girlfriend is a rude piece of cunt meant. At least to me. She actually tried to COMPETE against me on who had a worse life. What a silly competition to have, right?