Christmas Eve!

Dec 24, 2009 01:59

Wow. It's Christmas Eve.
Weird how it snuck up on me like that.

I've been working day and night on Kyle's Christmas present (a quilt) and I officially now have 24 hours to finish it. Lol, my own fault for starting only a week ago.
Bu exams this semester were ridiculous and I had no time at all toward the end of the semester.

Winter break has been...odd. It all began the night before I came home when my mom called me and told me that my friend Matt's brother had committed suicide. Shot himself on his brother's bed. Adam and Collin, who I actually saw earlier today had to carry the mattress out of the house. The entire thing seemed so surreal. I half expect to walk into Uptown Coffee and see him there with his family watching bluegrass on Friday night. I feel so bad that he felt so alone and hopeless. And I wish I could have done something. I was driving home when the memorial took place. I heard it was sparsely attended and wished I could have been there for them.

Less important I suppose, but still very sad were the animal deaths that happened not too long after my arrival here. My fish was knocked from his bowl by my cats and though got him back in the water and tried to care for him, he passed during the night of the incident.It was a weird feeling. I've talked more to this fish than I ever did to Matt's brother. I projected a personality onto it. And I loved it because it never criticised me, was appreciative for all I did (to my knowledge) and didn't flare up at me when I came near it like my roommates fish, Naomi, does. His name was Kyle Jr, and I have frozen him so he may have a proper funeral in Fredericksburg where he is from. This may seem frivolous, but I have a hard time letting go of things. Especially since on nights when I felt very alone, I would read my stories and papers out loud to my fish, and he never complained. :)
Also, the night after my mother's Christmas Fundraiser Cocktail Party, my dad found a newborn calf in the snow. It's mother died during childbirth and it looked as if it had some injuries. We filled a barn stall with hay, cleaned it up, and made some calf formula for it to drink. The first night it ate, but the second we weren't so lucky. When I was feeding it the bottle, it just let the milk run out of it's mouth. It swallowed a little, but certainly not enough. It's nose was running and it could not stand. My dad gave it a shot of antibiotics and I stayed with it as long as I could. But in the morning it had died. I named him the day earlier Babe. Maybe after the movie, and maybe after Paul Bunyan's ox (hoping he would have the same strength to pull through). My dad thinks I'm crazy, but I'm making it a little headstone for the grave site.

And today, I found out that Rex Wolf died during surgery. Mr. Wolf was so nice to me. He and his wife brought me dinner when I worked at the pool and couldn't leave to get it. They invited to over to their house at Christmastime and during the Kenbridge Centennial. I have a great picture of him dressed up as the founder of Kenbridge during the celebration. It does not seem fair that such a nice man should have to die. He was one of those rare selfless people. I remember one time I was in Chesterfield (over an hour away) in Starbucks and had spilled my coffee after taking off the lid to add nutmeg. He and his wife, Suzy, appeared almost out of nowhere with napkins and helped me clean up the mess. They were always so sweet.

It just does not seem fair that families should lose anyone at this time of year. It really puts things into perspective, thinking about who I just could not live without. And who I want to thank every day for being a part of my life.

Weird things are happening in this sleepy corner of the world.
The bank was robbed down the street from the museum I work at. There are currently hostages in a post office a few towns over. There is never violence here. It snowed. It never snows here.
It's almost as if reality of seeping in the corner of these secluded small towns and forcing them to give up their way of life to join the rest of the world.

But for now, I'm very tired. I wanted to churn out a post to let everyone know that yes, I'm still here. And to remind myself when looking back of how I felt.

Happy Holidays Everyone! I hope it is all you're hoping for.
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