Title: Within, the Enemy
shalkalakaLength: 18:30, 2.5k words
Characters: Eight, the Master
Rating: PG for Master-y nastiness
Author summary: An AU branching off from the TV movie, in which the Master succeeds in taking over the Doctor's body.
Notes: "Hi! This is my first podfic!" is probably no great incentive to listen to a recording, but I had a great deal of fun with it and don't think it turned out too badly, especially what with it being such a learning experience. Suggestions on how I can be better in the future are always gratefully accepted.
Even if you choose not to bother with my voice, please do check out the original fic! It's fantastically written and sets up a character that I'd certainly love to see in action.
Link to the text:
http://www.whofic.com/viewstory.php?sid=26852Link to the audio:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IUEHLKXULink to the proper audio:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QE3KVXH5 Congrats, everyone!
ETA: The author,
astrogirl2, graciously informed me that I somehow managed to seriously misplace an important clip in my original posting. I think (and dearly hope) that it's all fixed now, but please ignore the original link.