Day 27: Without You, Part I

Dec 17, 2011 13:18

Title: Without You, Part I
Length: 46:06, 7274 words
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Simm!Master, the Brigadier
Summary: The Doctor dies permanently (but comes back at the end), leaving the Master alone and free of the drums. Not knowing what else to do, the Master goes to a most unlikely person for help: the Brigadier. With the help of the Doctor's old friend, the Master reluctantly begins to take over the Doctor's role as Galactic Saviour.

Podficcer Notes: This is loooooong. There are two more parts after this, and I will get to recording them! Also, Mem says that I swallow some of my words towards the end of this, and while I am sure she's right, I couldn't catch where the worst bits were, and I didn't have time to re-record because life got very busy all of the sudden. x_x

Links: audio // text
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