This word, for some strange reason, has the power to terrify me. It helps, though, if I imagine lotuses. Word of the Day for Monday, March 10, 2008
inchoate \in-KOH-it\, adjective:
1. In an initial or early stage; just begun.
2. Imperfectly formed or formulated.
Mildred Spock believed that, at about the age of three, her children's inchoate wills were to be shaped like vines sprouting up a beanpole.
-- Thomas Maier,
Dr. Spock: An American LifeShe also had a vision, not yet articulated, an inchoate sense of some special calling that awaited her.
-- Linda Lear,
Rachel Carson: Witness for NatureYou take on a project because of the feeling, perhaps inchoate, that it may in some way contribute to your deeper understanding of the larger-scale research program you have chosen as your life's work.
-- Christopher Scholz,
Fieldwork: A Geologist's Memoir of the Kalahari Inchoate comes from the past participle of Latin inchoare, alteration of incohare, "to begin."