To change Joomla! admin password directly in MySQL database.
Get MySQL parameters from configuration.php file: $host, $user, $password, $db and $dbprefix.
Connect to MySQL database using these parameters:
# mysql -h localhost -u db_user -p joomla_db
Run SQL queries:
mysql> show tables like '%user%';
| Tables_in_joomla_db (%user%) |
| jos_users |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select `id`, `username`, `password` from `jos_users` where `username` = 'admin';
mysql> update `jos_users` set `password` = MD5('new_password') where `username` = 'admin' limit 1;
mysql> select `id`, `username`, `password` from `jos_users` where `username` = 'admin';
mysql> quit;
Go to Joomla! admin page to check new access.