ITPE Dear Podficcer Letter

Oct 15, 2016 12:04

Hello! Thank you so much for whatever you make for me. I'm so excited at the thought of you making a podfic for me to love!!!

Here are some helpful tips. Feel free to take the wants with a grain of salt if you find a fic you're excited about, as long as it doesn't cross any of the Do Not Want lines. If you want a second opinion on whether or not I'd like something, you can check with @laliandra/@mllelal, who knows my tastes well.

Things I love:
-I love canon. I ship canon 90% of the time (and when I ship something else, like in the case of Swan Queen, it's because I see their romantic feelings as canon even if they haven't acted on them). I like main characters, and I just generally am a fan of fanworks that respect the canon and treat it as Good. Good-natured making fun of canon is awesome (for example Harry Potter fics that clearly love the books but make fun of the rules of Quidditch), but angry jabs at canon are a turnoff for me.
-I love stories that make me think and/or hold important ideas about life and the world
-I am a Gryffindor and love stories with earnest people and big emotions
-Dire Peril is great as long as everybody we care about survives. Yay intensity! Also yay to people getting angry or upset and having intense fights, as long as they work things out by the end
-I love slow build romantic/sexual tension
-Humor is great, especially if it's the characters being funny on purpose, but also if it's humor around how faily and ridic they sometimes are
-I am very pleased with fic that involves kids (not at all a requirement, but definitely in the plus rather than the minus column for me)
-I love Broadway and I love musicals. If a story references a musical (or incorporates singing, if you're up for it), I consider that a plus!
-I love experimental podfic. Trying something new/weird/different as an ITPE gift for me, while not required, would make me SO! EXCITED!
-Groundhog Day AUs and similar types of time travel story are super fun and interesting and cathartic and I love them

Things I do not want:
-I am not currently interested in stories where the primary pairing is M/M
-Permanent character death (canon character deaths being referenced is fine), unless it's along the lines of a villain in a superhero-type story
-Serious injury or death of kids, especially babies, including miscarriages etc. It's okay if a kid/baby/pregnant person is in danger as part of the plot as long as they are fine by the end
-D/s universe

Fandoms I'm most excited about currently (OTP indicated):
Ghostbusters (Patty/Holtz), Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Greg/Rebecca), The Flash (Barry/Iris or gen), Supergirl (Supercat or gen), Steven Universe (Pearl/anyone or gen)

If you can't find anything in those that works, I also like:
Once Upon a Time (Swan Queen), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Jake/Amy or gen), Girl Meets World (Cory/Shawn/Topanga or Riley/Maya)

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itpe, dear podficcer

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