Title: Crossing The Line
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2,354 for this chapter
Disclaimer: All recognisable characters belong to the wonderful Jaida Jones and Danielle Bennett, although there may be one or two of my own creation :)
Summary: When he decides to search for an art tutor, little does sixteen year old Etienne know that he's about to embark on an
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I've been thinking about what Jude would study for the past few days, and the answer is: I'm not sure. It's a difficult one to answer because I'm not sure what classes are even available at the 'Versity. They seem to have Languages, History, War Studies and probably politics, but would they teach, for instance, psychology? I'm assuming they would have some sort of medical courses, too, though we really don't know anything about it.
I think he would take a mish-mash of classes for his first year, not sure with what he wants to do with his life, and certainly at least one of the War ones that Laure and Toverre take. And whatever class Hal is teaching, because Hal. However, he would get a part time job, maybe in a shop or as a waiter in a cafe, to help his aunt with money, especially as he knows Ethan can't really afford to keep sending money, and he ends up leaving the 'Versity sometime during his second year. He sticks to his job, or gets an apprenticeship, perhaps with carpenting or something similar. His mum was a primary school teacher (or, I don't know what the equivalent word is in other countries, but for children aged ~7-10) so he'd be interested in that, but I imagine it's probably women that teach children in Volstov, so even though Jude wouldn't care about those gender roles, the society around them would.
It would have to be something that requires a lot of interaction with others (whereas Etienne is quite happy with his books or research), he's good with people, quite social and outgoing, friendly. But he wouldn't ever go for a, well, more serious, for want of a better word, job like a diplomat.
I'm sorry, I've given you an essay, and haven't even answered your question. Basically: he would drop out of the 'Versity (it was more a chance to return to Thremedon than being bothered about actually studying; before moving to the country he hadn't really thought about it), get a job or apprenticeship and work at that whilst Etienne studied his little socks off.
Or maybe he could work as a shop assistant for Luvander, and they'll create Thremedon's first gay bar in the basement of Yesfir.
But I see where you're coming from. He'd absolutely die as a diplomat, and he would need people.
So there's languages, history, war studies, almost definitely politics, there's got to be medicine, and I always got the impression that Thremedon was quite keen on the sciences (doesn't Royston mention that some people explained the science behind his talent to him in great detail?).
We're stuck in the 18th century for the arts, so I don't see music as really being available. More of an apprenticeship type thing. Huh. I might go and ask Jaidani.
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