Teen Wolf/Repo! The Genetic Opera - Common Blood

Nov 27, 2014 19:21

Fic: Common Blood by 1001cranes
Reader: reena_jenkins
Cover Artist: reena_jenkins
Beta Listener:
Fandom: Teen Wolf (fusion with Repo! The Genetic Opera)
Ship: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale/Jackson Whittemore, Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Vernon Boyd/Erica Reyes
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Knifeplay, Surgery, Gore, Mild Gore, Mildly Dubious Consent, Mild Kink, Mild S&M, Light BDSM, Bad BDSM Etiquette, Guns, Gunplay, Blood, Bloodplay, Power Dynamics, Power Imbalance, Non-consensual Surgical Procedures, Age Difference, Rape/Non-con References, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Fusion

Reader's Notes:
lattice_frames was the beta-listener for this podfic partly because she likes Teen Wolf and Repo! The Genetic Opera...... and partly because I ambushed her on Twitter. (And for putting up with my ambushment, I am incredibly grateful to her.) As each chapter on this story can stand as an individual story, I opted to make individual covers - I was going for the PowerPoint equivalent of the graphic novel introduction to Repo!, and I think I succeeded admirably. It feels like I've been working on this podfic in one form or another for over a year (actually, this podfic has been in some stage of semi-completedness on my laptop at LEAST since mid-Amplificathon'14), and I'm so glad to finally release it into the wild. I'm aware that Repo! The Genetic Opera is not everyone's cup of tea, but please give this story a try? Sure, it's got seven minutes of introductory warnings - ranging from bloodplay to non-consensual surgical procedures to drug use - but the music is catchy, the stories are compelling, and the worldbuilding within the framework of Repo! is phenomenal. I was incedibly excited about using the music from Repo!'s OST as the soundtrack for this podfic, because it really does tell the story. The songs, in order of appearance in this podfic, are:

1. A New World Organ (listen to it in full here)
2. Depraved Heart Murder At Sanitarium Square (listen to it in full here)
3. 21st Century Cure (listen to it in full here)
4. Genetic Emancipation (listen to it in full here)
5. I Didn't Know I'd Love You So Much (listen to it in full here)
6. Genetic Repo Man (listen to it in full here)
7. Legal Assassin (listen to it in full here)
8. Zydrate Anatomy (listen to it in full here)
9. At The Opera Tonight (listen to it in full here)
10. Bravi! (listen to it in full here)

Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, the Argents have emerged as a the savior of mankind, using their medical conglomerate, GeneCo, to provide organ transplants - for a hefty price. Sometimes they help the Bioconservative unfortunates like Erica Reyes, an epileptic with a gift for dance; and sometimes they use Repomen like Derek Hale to hunt down clients who default on their payments, and repossess their organs.

GeneCo - In the business of expanding life, not ending it.

MP3 [207.1 MB, 02:59:44]
Podbook [340.4 MB, 02:59:44]

Podfic Post: AO3 | LiveJournal

fandom: teen wolf, ! free-for-all week, podfic: 02-05 hours

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