Posting Guidelines

Nov 08, 2014 12:21

The Moderation Queue Is Open
...but please remember that you will only be able to submit one entry to the LJ queue at a time because this is not a paid community.

The moderation queue is now open at
podficbigbang and podficbigbang. You may post to the queue at any time and leave it to the mod to approve your post when the posting period begins. You must join the community in order to have posting access.

Submissions are also open over at Archive of Our Own: post directly to the Thematic Week collection or Free-For-All Week collection and your work will remain unrevealed until the appropriate time.
Posting Schedule

Thematic Week: November 10-16
Free-For-All Period: November 17-30

Do not publicly post your podfic or art anywhere before the posting period begins. All posts to your personal journals should be set to private until the day you post to the community.

When the time comes to post, you MUST post to OR . You are, of course, welcome to post to both.

Thematic Week

If your podfic includes any of the following themes, you should post them during Thematic Week (unless you absolutely need a little extra time to finish, in which case you are welcome to post during the Free-For-All Period):
  • Soulmates
  • Pretend Relationship
  • Fix-It Fic
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics

Free-For-All Week

If your podfic does not include any of the themes listed above, you should post them during Free-For-All Week.

Livejournal Posting Template

SUBJECT: Fandom: Title of Podfic
EXAMPLE: Supernatural: The Wounds 'Verse

- switch your posting mode to "HTML"
- make sure the "Disable Auto-Formatting" checkbox is NOT ticked
- copy-paste the post template code into your entry and fill in the blanks
- warnings are mostly optional, but please DO try to warn for the big ones: consent issues, character death, and underage

Thematic Week Entries
Fic: FIC TITLE by Reader: Cover Artist: Beta Listener: Fandom: Ship: Rating: Warnings: Reader's Notes: Summary: Themes: MP3 [### MB, HH:MM:SS] Podbook [### MB, HH:MM:SS] Podfic Post: AO3 | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal Art Post: AO3 | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal
Free-For-All Week Entries
Fic: FIC TITLE by Reader: Cover Artist: Beta Listener: Fandom: Ship: Rating: Warnings: Reader's Notes: Summary: MP3 [### MB, HH:MM:SS] Podbook [### MB, HH:MM:SS] Podfic Post: AO3 | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal Art Post: AO3 | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal
EXAMPLE POST: This podfic was posted for PBB in 2013.
Fic: A Fire Ever Burning by bewaretheides15
Reader: eosrose
Cover Artist: eosrose
Beta Listener: miss_marina95
Fandom: Supernatural
Ship: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Consent issues related to dragon mating.

Summary: Sam and Dean have always been oddities among the dragonriders; the youngest man to Impress a Bronze dragon in a hundred years and a boy who turned his back on the riders to become a dragon healer instead. But when fate steps in and chooses a far different path for Sam, the brothers and all the Weyrs of Pern will have to come to terms with much greater changes in their traditions.

Theme: Fusion with Dragonriders of Pern

MP3 [101 MB, 01:49:31]
Podbook [76 MB, 01:49:31]

Podfic Post: AO3

admin: mod post, admin: posting template

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