Podfic Big Bang: Round 4

Dec 17, 2013 19:25

Dear podficcers, artists, betas, and other interested parties:

It's now December--the time of year I usually make an announcement about the next round of Podfic Big Bang. This year, due to the fact that I'm moderating the podfic portion of the extreme-bigbang as well as joining many of you in podficcing 100,000+ words for that same challenge, I've been forced to acknowledge that there is no way I can give the podficbigbang the attention it deserves right now. I was very casual about the challenge in the last round (possibly too casual) and I wish to do better going forward.

For this reason, I've decided to postpone sign-ups until May/June. Posting will likely go live sometime in October/November/December. I'm leaning toward November at this time (I don't want to overlap completely with the ever popular #InformalTwitterPodficExchange!), but I'm open your input.

In Round 4, I hope to return to (optional) artist claims as well as to pave the way for more in-depth collaboration between artists and podficcers. Would any artists and podficcers be open to working together from the start--choosing a story together and working from there to create works that compliment both the favored fic and each other's work? I'd like to encourage joint artist/podficcer sign-ups in the next round for those interested as well as the usual "claims" for those who prefer that approach. Let me know what you guys think.

Also--I thought the optional "themes" from last round were fairly well-received. Would you guys like me to collect theme suggestions to put up to a vote again? Or was it something that was okay once, but you'd like to do away with it?

If you guys have ideas for things you'd like to see in the next round, please speak up now.

Note: I'm going to open the community so that persons moderating big bang challenges (including reverse big bangs) welcoming podfic as primary works may advertise their challenges to a perspective audience. If you guys like, I can also start up a general post where people who've requested permission to podfic for a particular big bang challenge may give a shout out to let us know the answer--even if the answer is "no" or "maybe next time", that may be helpful to someone. :)

round 4 (2014), admin: mod post

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