Teen Wolf: taking the bus to chinatown

Aug 15, 2013 22:32

Text: taking the bus to chinatown by
Cover Artist: fuckyeah
Soundtrack Artist:
Beta Listener: mothlights
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey/Scott McCall
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Summary: Stiles' home economics teacher forces him to knit mittens. Nobody wants Stiles' mittens, but then Stiles offers them to Derek, and Stiles is pretty sure Derek does these things purely to drive him crazy. What else could it be?

Music-Free Version:
MP3: here [100 MB, 01:49:17]
Podbook: here [61.4.0 MB, 01:49:17]

Music-Enhanced Version:
MP3: here [102 MB, 01:52:01]
Podbook: here [63.1 MB, 01:52:01]

Podfic Post: AO3 | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal
Art Post: AO3 | LiveJournal

& projects: round 3 (2013), podfic: 01-02 hours, fandom: teen wolf, ! free-for-all week

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