Supernatural: The Wounds Verse

Jun 25, 2012 00:47

Text: What Is Lacking Cannot Be Counted by
Cover Artist:
Beta Listener: cat_sdgirl
Fandom: Supernatural
Ship: Jimmy Novak/Dean Winchester
Rating: Explicit

Summary: Stigmata - marks corresponding to those left on Jesus' body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favor. Also: the plural of the Greek word stigma, meaning a mark or brand such as might have been used for identification of an animal or slave.

MP3 [246 MB, 04:41:36]
Podbook [131 MB, 04:41:36]

Podfic Post: AO3

Reader's Notes: I’ve always been fond of rare pairings. When I stumbled across this series, I knew I had to record it! enigmatic_blue is still in the process of writing it. I will continue to work on podficcing the series as future installments are completed.

Artist's Credits: Gallery:

Crossposted to

fandom: supernatural, & projects: round 2 (2012), podfic: 02-05 hours

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