Supernatural RPF: The Winchester Identity

Jun 25, 2012 00:01

Text: The Winchester Identity by zubeneschamali
Cover Artist: evian_fork
Beta Listener: nelle816
Fandom: CW RPF
Ship: Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki
Rating: Explicit
Warning: Minor Character Death

Summary: A tall and handsome doctor is kidnapped by a mysterious green-eyed man who has no memory-but who definitely has a past. The J2 AU version of "The Bourne Identity".

MP3 - Parts 1-5 [239 MB, 04:02:21]
MP3 - Parts 6-11 [326 MB, 04:44:15]
MP3 - Parts 12-16 [243 MB, 03:34:50]
Podbook [320 MB, 11:18:24]

Podfic Post: LiveJournal
Art Post: LiveJournal

Reader's Notes:
This is now the longest story I’ve ever recorded. \o/ Thanks to nelle816 for betaing especially as it came close to the deadline. Thanks to evian_fork for her lovely artwork.


Crossposted to

fandom: supernatural rpf, & projects: round 2 (2012), podfic: 10+ hours

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