Merlin: The Sex Shop Around the Corner

Jun 22, 2012 00:02

Text: The Sex Shop Around the Corner by
Reader: meri_contrary
Cover Artist: bessyboo
Beta Listener: mzdem
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Ship: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Rating: Mature

Summary: Nothing says I love you like a ball gag.

MP3 [90 MB, 02:37:41]
Podbook [92 MB, 02:37:41]

Artist's Notes: So, this cover kept giving me ~grief. I kept getting frustrated and throwing my hands up at it, but it FINALLY ended up coming together, by force of will. (Do you know how hard it is to find a picture a Bradley NOT in either armor, a suit, or MAKING A RIDICULOUS FACE?! Hard. Thanks again to my Twitter feed for help with this!) Also, this happened, thanks to this cover. Ah, the life of a podfic cover artist. ENDLESS thanks to meri_contrary for being really REALLY nice about how long it took me to finish this <333

Crossposted to

fandom: merlin (bbc), podfic: 01-02 hours, & projects: round 2 (2012)

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