Bandom (MCR): Home is a Name

Jun 14, 2012 00:08

Text: Home is a Name by arsenicjade
Reader: knight_tracer
Cover Artist:
Beta Listener:
Fandom: Bandom
Ship: Frank Iero/Gerard Way, Ray Toro/Mikey Way
Rating: Explicit

Summary: MCR Clinic of Love. Part of the Wednesday-verse.

MP3 [137 MB, 05:05:08]
Podbook [141 MB, 05:05:08]

Podfic Post: Dreamwidth

Artist's Credits: Painting: Mary Stevenson Cassatt - Maternite

Crossposted to

fandom: my chemical romance, & projects: round 2 (2012), podfic: 05-10 hours, fandom: bandom

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