American Idol: Tightly Knit

Jun 10, 2012 20:49

Text: Tightly Knit by jeyhawk
Reader: fire_juggler
Cover Artist:
Beta Listener: takola & teas_me
Fandom: American Idol
Ship: Kris Allen/Adam Lambert
Rating: Explicit

Summary: College student Adam Lambert doesn't really believe in the magical powers of knitting needles until he meets Kris Allen, knitting shop owner by day and gay erotica writer by night. Kris is an enigma wrapped in an adorable package and Adam finds himself wanting to strip away his layers (literally as well as figuratively), but at the end of the day will that be enough to make Adam mess with his carefully laid plans, or will his desire to "make it" stand in the way of true love?

MP3 [176 MB, 03:08:49]
Podbook [88 MB, 03:08:49]

Podfic Post: AO3
Art Post: LiveJournal

Reader's Notes: jeyhawk's fics are of the happy, goodness that never fail to cheer me up when I’m feeling down. Thanks to her for blanket permission to record, and for writing such a charming story. Thanks to takola and teas_me, for beta-ing setting me straight in a couple of places. And that cover art? That was made by reena_jenkins, who not only created the cover art, but actually knitted Adam’s scarf!!!!! And then she sent it to me, so I got to spend the last part of winter, wrapped up in Adam’s sparkly, purple scarf (with sequins, no less)! So. Freaking. Awesome. Thank you, Reena!!!!

Reader's Credits: Music Credits: “Knitting” by Arthur Askey, “Knitting Class” by Nancy Wilson, “The Knitting Song” by Bill Oddie, “The Doozer Knitting Song” (Fraggle Rock)

Artist's Notes: I broke out my knitting needles for this one - I made a sparkly purple scarf, took some pictures of it on my Dad’s coat rack, and made up an imaginary epilogue for the story (ask fire_juggler if she saved a copy of it… mostly it just went, “Happily ever after, with yarn.”) Then I made a hat to go with it, mailed fire_juggler the scarf, and asked for bessyboo's critique (she’s the one who suggested adding in Adam and Kris to the background). I vote we all bug fire_juggler for pictures of her modeling the knitwear…because I forgot to take pictures of me wearing them.

Artist's Credits: Adam and Kris were snagged via Google. I didn’t take their photo, and I claim no monetary compensation. If you like what you see, I can probably dig up a link for you somewhere… However, the pictures of the scarf are all mine. Mine, I say!

Alternate Cover:

Crossposted to

fandom: american idol rpf, & projects: round 2 (2012), podfic: 02-05 hours

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