Bandom (MCR): Run

Jun 11, 2012 00:00

Text: Run by
Cover Artist:
Beta Listener:
Fandom: Bandom
Ship: Frank Iero/Gerard Way
Rating: Explicit

Summary: Being a secret teenage werewolf is hard. Frank should know. He is one.

MP3 [325 MB, 05:57:32]
Podbook [84 MB, 05:57:32]

Podfic Post: Dreamwidth

Reader's Notes: Thanks to mrsronweasley for blanket permission and being so nice to answer my questions about the story. Hugs and thanks to
andeincascade for the beta (ILU, thank you for putting up with my whining). And
aneas, I’m thrilled to have your lovely work attached to mine! *twirls you*

This podfic contains werewolves and angst and porn and teenage boys in love - ALL THE GOOD THINGS IN LIFE. Enjoy! :D

Crossposted to
Mirrored from Dreamwidth.

fandom: bandom: my chemical romance, & projects: round 2 (2012), podfic: 05-10 hours, fandom: bandom

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