Check-In #2 (Optional)

Mar 20, 2012 18:10

This is our second check-in for Round 2! By now, most people who requested artists ought to have one, though there are still a few projects in rarer fandoms open for claiming. I apologize for not having time to update the list recently. Other projects and RL obligations have kept me pretty busy. I'm sure you've all been pretty busy too! I hope you've all had a chance to at least start thinking seriously about your projects. For this check-in, let's discuss the following:
  • Podficcers
    1. Have you started recording yet?
    2. How far along have you progressed?
    3. What part about your project are you enjoying the most? What part is giving you the most trouble?
  • Artists
    1. What project(s) have you chosen?
    2. What sort of art do you intend to provide?
    3. What have you been working on so far?

All questions are optional. Feel free to squee or rant as needed. Betas are welcome to chime in as well.

admin: mod post, round 2 (2012)

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