Hello, all! I'd love some suggestions/advice if anyone can help me :)
I've recently come back to podficcing after a few years away, and I've found that my old microphone doesn't work with my new PC (yes, I've tried EVERYTHING, they just don't like each other). I also have extremely limited quiet time at home, and I want to spend it recording rather than editing, so I've started to use my iPad for recording.
I'm using
Recorder Plus + (the paid version), and just the inbuilt microphone on my iPad 2. I've found that I get least echo when I lie the iPad flat on the table, which has a cushioned table-protector on it - and when I sit in the middle of the room, rather than next to the wall. Then I've been running it through Audacity, the way I normally would, normalising it and using all the effects to try and get rid of the worst of the hiss. I'm exporting as m4a, then editing and checking and editing again.
The result is okay. Not as good as my old microphone/PC set up, but beggars can't be choosers. I also LOVE being able to edit on the iPad - I can edit on the bus! which means I'm actually getting through the podfic, instead of having to decide whether to edit or record while I'm home.
I was wondering if anyone else uses their iPad to record? I'd love some tips if anyone's got them! I've put a quick 30 second sample below - as I say, the quality is 'okay'. I'd like less buzz on my voice, but I think I'll need an external microphone for that, and as it's an iPad, that's not going to come cheap...
Thanks :)
Sample MP3