Laptop Noise

Mar 19, 2012 16:28

Hey guys! So I've been podficcing for a while and have decided it's time to get a proper microphone! I'm considering the Blue Yeti but it's rather pricey, so we shall see. My only worry is that my laptop is loud - I mean really loud. The fan is audible across my large living room, even though I'm half-deaf in one ear.
I'm wondering, if I were to get the Blue Yeti would I be able to hear the laptop fan running in the background or is that silenced? I don't want to go and spend £90 only to not have perfect sound quality. I have thought about leaving my laptop a distance away but that means I either will have to print the story out, or read off my tiny screened phone as I don't own a tablet or anything just as handy. 
Does anyone have any information to give me re: picking up background noise?



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