voting was very close for most of it, and up until the last few days, it was split evenly between "yes new tag" and "no new tag". But then "yes" came though with a last minute push, and as of now, Yes has 10 votes, and No has 5, so we're going to go with the new tag option.
Well, at least for now. If it dosen't work out, or if it ends up causing more problems then it's worth, we can always delete it and go back to the old system without any problems; it's not like this'll be a major overhaul.
So all that will really change is if you post a question, and it gets answered to your satisfaction, please go back and edit the post to include the "
Question - Answered" tag. Please don't deleat the old "
Question" tag you started with, just add the new one onto it.
I go though the comm periodically and make sure posts are tagged properly, so I'll try to stay on top of question posts to keep them updated if the original poster forgets to go back. And if anyone here notices a missing tag, or tagged incorrectly, just let me know and I'll go in and correct it. I'll also try to make sure that the "question" tag dosn't get deleted after it's been answered by mistake. Above all, we wanna keep this comm easily searchable and usable. It dosn't do anyone any good if you can't find help on a help comm!
I've started the process of going though and re-tagging all the old Question posts, but it will probably take me awhile to get through them all. A lot of the OPs also don't say if the suggestions worked or not, so some of the posts I'm just useing my best judgment on. If enough suggestions were made and the OP does not say that s/he is still having the problem, then I'm considering it answered. If you are an OP, or if you know the OP is still having the issue, let me know and I'll un-re-tag the post in question.