Want to promote KISSES in your own journal or fandom? Awesome! Here's a some code to make to easy for you.
http://podfic-project.livejournal.com/9616.html">http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/akeyoftime/Just%20sitting%20around/kissesfinished-1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="two women kissing joyfully, text reads kisses a femmeslash podfic fest from june 10 to july 16">
http://podfic-project.livejournal.com/9616.html">More Information | http://podfic-project.livejournal.com/9242.html">Recs/Bragging Resource Post
KISSES is a multifandom f/f podfic fest in celebration of the upcoming International Day of Femmeslash. Join us as we kiss and tell!
More Information |
Recs/Bragging Resource PostKISSES is a multifandom f/f podfic fest in celebration of the upcoming International Day of Femmeslash. Join us as we kiss and tell!