Glee RPF - Turn the Lights Down Low

Jun 18, 2012 21:31

Title:  Turn the Lights Down Low
Author: oddwritesstuff (oddmeants)
Bingo Square: 2+ Hours (filling wild card spot)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Chris Colfer/Darren Criss
Spoilers: You can not spoil what was never real.
Summary: For  this prompt on the kink meme. "Chris was fine with Kurt getting his first kiss with a boy before he did, and he was fine with Kurt getting a boyfriend before he did. But when he reads the script for the senior prom episode (a.k.a. the one where Kurt and pretty much all of ND book hotel rooms and go all the way), he decides that he's had enough of being jealous that his on-screen alter ego is getting all the action.

After a long and thorough process of deciding who the lucky recipient of his V-card is going to be (seriously, he made flowcharts), he decides on Darren, who -- after being reassured that Chris hasn't fallen madly in love with him, he just wants Darren to fuck him in the ass -- Darren happily obliges. Hot first-time sex ensues.
File Info: mp3: 182.19MB, 3:19:50; mp4: 116.43MB, 3:19:50
Download: mp3podbook (compiled by eosrose
Crossposted: personal ljamplificathongleepodfic, kurt_blaine
Notes: I'm very excited to share my entry for the podficbigbang. If you enjoy the  story, please give oddwritesstuff some love! If you think, like I do, that the cover and art is amazing, please tellmific so. If you're happy there's a podbook version, thank eosrose. And if there are any mistakes in recording (and god, I really hope there aren't), well, that's all on me. 

podficcer: oohshinyfangirl, challenge: transformations, fandom: glee rpf, square: 2+ hours

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