Jul 13, 2010 03:00
My daily Twitter posts:
- 06:27 zzzzzzzzz...........sleep proved somewhat elusive last night. #
- 07:07 @ Bronzethumb - pretty sure the crew can come up with something that will still let ya be a part of the show. #
- 07:07 @ raintenshi - gonna need more than that. #
- 07:32 @ Bronzethumb - well....I'd be willing to bet that we can at least do the occasional Wed recording (maybe even switch to that day as the reg) #
- 07:33 @ Bronzethumb - I cant speak for the rest of the crew...but I'd be willing to switch to Wed recordings. #
- 07:40 @ PodCulturesGirl - that is why I always keep a spare set at work....just in case. #
- 08:06 @ PodCulturesGirl - twist my arm.... I can pick ya up after work, and we will hit up Best Buy after work #
- 08:17 time to dive headfirst into a metric assload of work. #
- 08:53 @ nscottg - I splurge and get a 12 buck set of sony earbuds...and keep a spare set at work. #
- 08:54 @ nscottg - BTW....the stuff you sent us will pop up in 214 or 215 depending on how I edit. #
- 09:00 @ nscottg - lemme guess...Bioshock? #
- 09:07 @ nscottg - I finished the first Bioshock. About 2/3 thru the second, got distracted and never got back to it....plan to finish. #
- 09:19 @ nscottg - maxed out electric plasmid, shotgun, and the wrench got me thru it just fine. #
- 09:27 @ nscottg - kmy strategy was to zap 'em then bash 'em. #
- 10:02 hmmm....just had a thought. I wonder if we should maybe look at doing a "reunion" episode of @dollhousecast when Season 2 comes out on DVD #
- 10:07 @ raintenshi after listening to the last Randomcast and the latest feedback ep .... pretty sure we don't need to be drunk to be way out there #
- 10:11 @ encaf1 - jesus man.....just use a dang proxy site or something. #
- 10:16 @ encaf1 there are any number of proxy sites, #
- 10:19 Rock, Paper, Scissors over Skype ...... not near as lame as you might think: www.MilkCartonTV.com #
- 10:55 It just doesn't get much more meta than to run the promo for your podcast DURING the podcast. #
- 11:24 @ Gary_TheGreat - What do you think the show is....The Babylon Podcast? LOL #
- 11:56 @ JewelStaite - Home Sweet Home then? #
- 12:18 @ QMxInsider nooooooooo!!!!!! I'm trying to save some cash for D*C! #
- 14:25 @ dcolanduno - just enough time to recover it before having to lose it all again for Dragon*Con #
- 14:26 @ darksakura @kidmanproject - out of the TNG era captains.....Sisko is by far the best. Never gonna beat Kirk though. #
- 14:30 @ MarronMarvel - nah......Janeway was OK. 7 of 36DD was a weak character though.....never did like the character all that much. #
- 14:38 @ MarronMarvel - I look at Enterprise as kind of an alt-universe Trek kind of like what the 2009 movie was. #
- 14:38 @ MarronMarvel for me TOS>DS9>TNG>VOY>ENT>TAS #
- 14:41 @ kidmanproject - the opening sequence for the Mirror eps of Enterprise was kick-ass though. #
- 14:41 @ kidmanproject - but yeah the reg version was awful....if they had even done an instrumental version it would have been better. #
- 14:48 @ MarronMarvel - but hey when you can pick it up for 15 bucks at WallyWorld....can't beat it. #
- 15:36 Another reason why I am glad we did NOT stick with AT&T and the iPhone www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE66B0OD20100712 #
- 15:40 @ starstuff2282 - could be worse....oh wait it can't you have a Mac! :P #
- 15:45 @ criticalmyth - well it also didn't help that ATT service went to crap around our apartment, and they gave us the runaround about it. #
- 15:46 @ starstuff2282 - ha! ya missed! #
- 15:51 @ criticalmyth - in my totally unscientific testing it seems that the HTC EVO gets about the same signal strength roughly as our iPhones .... #
- 15:52 @ criticalmyth ....but does MUCH better with said signal. I can be in teh studio with only 1 bar and still make and take calls w/o dropping. #
- 15:54 @ starstuff2282 - hey...if I could actually afford one...I might own one too. (but I do like my lil green G3 iFruit. #
- 15:58 @ criticalmyth - I just got off the phone earlier getting the ETF feed they charged me waived #
- 16:00 @ starstuff2282 - that lil green computer fits right into our studio, and I generally use it to listen to the live streams of shows. #
- 16:02 @ criticalmyth - yeah...especially when they wind up knocking the bill from 87 bucks down to 11 ! #
- 16:04 @ starstuff2282 - LOL...it isn't called "Oa" on my home network for nothing ! #
- 16:05 @ MarronMarvel - as a redhead myself.....I'll second that! #
- 16:12 @ Gary_TheGreat - hey now! #
- 16:35 @ QMxInsider - Nice! #
- 17:53 Starting to edit and mix PodCulture 214 #
- 19:35 Uploading ep 214 to the server now. #
- 19:47 PodCulture 214: It's Naughty Time! - Part A is up! Go see if you can grin and bear it at: tinyurl.com/PodCulture214 #
- 22:26 Calling it a night....later taters! #
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