Quite Nice

Sep 26, 2005 15:03

It wasn't fun being deprived of the Internet for over a week, but it did allow me to do a bunch of other things I probably wouldn't have done if I were instead chatting on aim 24/7 and going on a downloading spree. Welcome week felt dull half of the time because there weren't many things (that I knew of) to do. When I wasn't at a welcome week event, I was walking around campus, exploring, and exercising at the ARC. Fun stuff... being immobilized for several days after working out. As of now, I'm still only skin and bones.

Today was the second day of class, and I have to say that the amount of reading I have to do now seems grudgingly similar to the 1 million pages per day in 20th Cent in high school. Took a 1-hour nap two hours ago, Chem at 4, still have to read a chapter by then, and a club meeting at 6. Parts of the day feel so rushed while the remaining time feels unendurably boring. I guess that's just college?

Still... college is a hell of a lot better than staying at home.
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