I'm SINGING in the ... Sunshine...

Feb 26, 2006 01:13

Oh I am glad to be back and MALE. Yes, say goodbye to the perky breasts, I am 100%, red-blooded, stunning man-flesh once again! Ladies, I am free on Wednesdays, and I'm sorry, but my heart's already been stolen... No really, a dog ran off with it when I was five. Very tragic stuff.

Orochimaru-sama is once more his grandoise mature self, a fact which I am not afraid of saying I am pleased with. Dealing with a child version of my esteemed leader does not actually put me in the best of moods. Who knew; I'm not cut out to be a father - or mother, for that fact.

[Private to Orochimaru/Unintentionally Hackable]

Plans move ahead with the Karaoke Club - once I have the plumbing taken care of it will even possess a few private studio rooms in the rear. I have procured the correct legal documents, including permission for a full bar. I'm not sure if I'm excited or just glad the enlarged prints of myself from my last photoshoot came in on time and will be going up tomorrow. Ah... The Zen Room will be by far my favorite.

[End Private to Orochimaru/Unintentionally Hackable]

orochimaru, i am a hot man whore, karaoke bar

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