Check-In #2

Jul 09, 2016 07:57

Hello wonderful participants,

It's time for our second check-in! Please respond to this check-in within 48 hours. We will send a follow-up email to all those we have not heard from at that time.

The complete writing is due in one week, on July 16th. If you're not feeling confident in your ability to finish the writing within the next 7 days, please let us know and we can talk about:

-The possibility of extensions (please read the rules about extensions before requesting one)*.
-The possibility of getting a beta or cheerleader
-The possibility of getting a cowriter
-The possibility of writing a shorter version of your original story plan for your podficcer to begin recording (which is able to stand alone in case a life emergency stops you from writing more) with the agreement that if there is time and interest by both parties, you might create additional scenes later to add on.
-The possibility of (with your partner's approval) leaving some areas of the script for podficcer ad-lib
-The option of daily accountability check-ins, if that will help keep you motivated and not stressed!

Also, please remember to share what you've written so far with your partner. The minimum requirement is once per check-in!

Finally, if you're realizing that what you really need in order to take care of yourself is to drop out, that's fine. Yay self-care! Please let us know as soon as possible, though, so we can offer your partner a pinch hitter. If anybody reading this knows that they are interested in pinch hitting, please feel free to let us know, and you will be the first we approach if the need arises.

Comments are screened.

*A note about extensions: Writers, please keep extension requests to eight days or less, since any longer than that will cut significantly into the time allotted for the podficcer to create their audio. Podficcers, please do not tell your partners that they can have a multi-week extension because you only need a couple of days to create your audio! Even if you are typically fast, you may experience an emergency like losing your voice from a cold, a computer crash, etc. For this reason, mods won't approve the long extension you've promised your partner, and it could lead to hurt feelings all around. If you're fast, use that speed to get your podfic finished early, and then come sign up to work on a Party Favor (if you'd like)!


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