I'm reccing on
calufrax this week, and given that this week is
pod_aware week as well, I thought it might be a nice idea to record all the stories I recced (once I've got the author's permission). I've asked the mods for permission to put links to my podfics in each of the posts I make this week, but I only did that moments ago. Anyway, hopefully that will happen. And hopefully I will get the permission I need.
Monday's rec was:
Title: Operator, Operator
Fandom: Doctor Who (Classic and New)
araliasLength: 6107 words // 31 mins, 15 sec
Rating: Adult
Pairing: Doctor/Master - One through Ten/Simm!Master
Author's Summary The Master works as a phone sex operator in order to kick-start his political career. That's it, really.
Rec on Calufrax:
audio //