So the story goes...

May 12, 2006 09:21

Some time ago, I made a very stupid mistake I put in an application to go to a University in a littel redneck mountain town called Logan Utah. I got accepted got a scholarship got on a place and left the warm sunny land of my childhood to come to republican infested mormon controlled arid as the warmest part of Mercury state called Utah. While here several things that had never ever happened before occured. I got raped; I fell in love with a pedophile and had a very long relationship whith him (which kept me in this state twice when I could have left); I had my boyfriend go to jail for being a pedophile (in his defense the person he was accused of molesting was a teengaer at the time and actually was the one who initiated the sexual liason); I spent my life savings to that point on a person in jail and went into debt for said person more than I cared to have done; I developed allergies; I had two major surgeries; I gained about 35 lbs; my father died; I got dumped by the afore mentioned pedophile because I caught HIM cheating on me; I fell in love again with someone who for personal reasons can't claim me as his own, I got fired. Yes as one can see Utah is the nexus of misery. So I've made up my mind, and for those of you in Utah, all I have to do is say good luck and good riddance. I'm moving to texas baby, and never ever ever ever ever ever will I return to this wasteland again (I will return the favor tho and write my texas congresspeople and say they should vote for anything that puts chemical or toxic waste from another state into this one, it's the least I can do, they love green jello here, maybe they would like it better if it glowed). Funny thing is I made this decition about two days ago, and told myself, "Baby, you will only stay in Utah if you get the management position you interviewd for on monday and if it pays what you need it to pay." So what happens today before 9:30 I get three phone calls from people who could have called weks ago asking me to come in for interviews. I respectfully declined them all. Only three things can keep me here now, and of those three only one is even remotely probable. The first thing that would keep me here is if Dial America gave me a position and offered me at least 30,000 a year. For person reasons we will not go into the second thing, it involves a man (the only decent gay man in this state) and he is the only one who needs to know. The third thing would be is if a divine manifestation materialized in front of me and with the voice of Zeus or one of His said to me "Oliver you will not go to Texas." So far neither of those three things have happened and since the first is the most probable as of monday Im going to start packing and shipping my books and DVD's.
San Antonio, oh it puts a smile on my face. Last time I was in San Antonio, I lost about 20 lbs, I feel in love (twice)(and broke two hearts instead of having it be the other way around), I fooled around in a boiler room at Ft Sam Houston, I kissed a girl, and I had a three squad back up called on me and my friends ('cause we were nude doing wiccan ritual on a full moon, who knew we were on pvt property)(Baptist police officers freak easily at the sight of naked witches wearing only pentagrams and carrying daggers). I can't think of a more fun, more alive city I would go to... So GOOBYE UTAH and GOOD RIDDANCE (enjoy my toxic, nuclear waste)
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