Feeling Better

Jan 05, 2005 21:27

Well...today was more productive than the rest of the week. The kids were home though, because of bad weather, so it was a little more difficult getting things done...but I did manage to sort through a bunch of clutter, and get stuff cleaned up for the party. Most of the mess is all the kids new christmas gifts. The rest of the house was already fairly clean...just need to dust and vacuum those rooms. The kids have a 2 hour delay for tomorrow, and may even wind up with the day off...so it will be tough cleaning, while they are messing.

We found a van, and may be able to get it as soon as tomorrow. It is white...not my exact first choice, but it is a good van, and the price is great. And since we don't want another car payment, because it is only around $10k, we will be able to buy it outright. I will just be glad to have something to drive again. I have a lot of shopping to do for the party Saturday.

E. is coming this weekend! I haven't seen her since before Christmas! I miss her so much! Her mom is coming too, and they are spending the weekend here. My aunt, uncle and my parents are sleeping over too. It will be a full house. I don't think the babies are going to their dads either, for different reasons. Oh well, hopefully, they won't be too sad. He's always about his comfort...he has a cold, and it's too much to take them for the weekend. I get pneumonia, and do what I have to, because it is my responsibility to take care of them, no matter how I feel. They are getting older, and a lot easier. They played nice today, when I explained to them that R. was in a lot of pain, and it would be nice if they played quietly. They even helped sort out all the presents, and put stuff away. They are all such good boys :) I am watching Nanny 911 right now...and boy...do I have it easy with my kids. I couldn't imagine if I had to deal with those kids on the show.
S. is coming over tomorrow to help me get ready for the party. I am so glad for all the help from her. She always helps, no matter what we are doing, and I REALLY appreciate that.

It's snowing out. I wouldn't mind...if I didn't have so much to do the next few days.

R. was in a lot of pain last night. The worst part for him...is not getting off the couch. He doesn't know HOW to lie around and do nothing. He is so used to working 100 hours a week. He feels useless, and helpless. I keep telling him, the more he lies down, the easier it will be on his knee in years to come.

Well, enough writing...I need to go get some rest.
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