Oct 01, 2004 20:08
so mad's here and says "u must update ur lj!"
so yesterday we went to a certain "place" to see a certain "person" who surprisingly was there. hehe hottness. tho we didnt have the pleasure to see the face , (though madeline enjoyed the backside) it was so fun lol.
this week was TAB insaneness....
here's the theory about melvina and lucy's pix:
Tabby, the amazing super tabby-cat, used her x-ray vision and her razor-sharp talons to break into Alex's locker. There, she placed the pictures of Lucy and Melvin. She knew that wanted Alex to suspect her, and therefore do something to her. That we have not learned yet. Then, she saw us walking up the hill talking about what happened, and she strageically placed some mayonnaise there, knowing that we would stop talking about her and talk about the mayonnaise. But oh Gina, we are much to quick for that. And we already have the proof from yesterday that she is a liar, so there is really not much left to discover. We just have to take her down to the station, book her, and lock her in her cage in my basement.
-Tom's theory on the appearance of Melvin and Lucy in Alex's locker.
adn i could say more.... but what's more important than stalkign?!