May 03, 2004 21:57
ok i spent the whole wknd doing hw, so now im going to update my journal with the crucial news....
ok here are all the insides i remmeber:;
- mash on the bus-- such perfect matches!! :0 tom's taking pictures of every little thing...
- getting there- splitting up and us all in the end following dr. k's advice and going to the pizza place- "what an ass!" "you're an ass man, you're an ass!!" lmao!!
- getting milkshakes and walking down to the lake--- "do u no what a pain in the ass it is to make milkshakes/??" getting the colorful map, and then forgetting it and coming back for it...
-baseball hall of fame:: tom's urge to do a cartwheel, and fulfilling it.. him licking the plastic guy for absolutely no reason...
-hotellll!!!! playing "MAo" with alex, marie, tom, alex#2, and Andre in tom, alex, and andre's room... the many rules and breaking them and andre's jumping... and alex "i never thought id be in a hotel room with andre!" lmao!!
-chinese food and eating it in our room== the fortunes, mr lee outside, alex reading the menu lol
- going outside w/ everyone and shopping at family dollar-- the best store in the whole universe! -- the mistake of a tube top for a skirt... tHE BOOTYLICIOUS PANTS!!! haha!! on andre!! and the picture to prove it!! (ook, as u can also see from tom's picture i thought it was a little TOO funny... but give me a break! lol)
- coming back from the family dollar--> tabitha chasing andre around and hitting him with her bag for saying "grammar is ez" lmao!! andre saying "crap" (("curses should only be used in extreme situations.")) the bee farms... tabitha climbing in and out of the window.... hahahahaha
-interview ?s after getting pist that dr k and mrs p are LATE! lol... staying up late watching hte inappropriate "ELIMADATE" lmao alex and marie... what can i say, we were hooked!
-in the morning-- *yawn*-- bkfst... NHD!!
1. see grace's video with tabby and aleena
2. going with grace to the videos-- wouldnt let us in, saw my parents..
3. go to performances
4. meet lauren and sam and see GALILEO!!!! OMG!!! soooo frking bad!!! the accent, "b/c im on house arrest, i can't even go to the supermarket to get strawberries!" House arrest, house arrest, house arrest! "does this tie up into other things?" "YEs, it ties up into Exploration, encounter, and exchange!" "exploring the stars, my encounter with the pope, and with u," (he dropped 2 cannons of the leaning tower of piza, the pope didn't like that too much, no he didn't) "and exchange of.." ook, i forget lol. the judge's ?S: most important source: an online encyclopedia. y would galileo have a female assistant? he'd want to share his thoughts w/ anyone... and we only had a female costume. i could go on and on, but i dont have the time... lauren and i imitated it all at the ceremony neway :) lol
5. saw the dancer girl do her performance with grace, tom, and andre-- uh....uh...uh... she... i mean i.... twirl thing... she taught madonna how to fall!! well u probably didn't see the britney spears video(to the judges), but in it madonna falls. she taught her how to fall. (judge: actually, i did see it.) lol
6. did my thing! went really well i think :) the judges loved the science girl... the nutcracker nation!! ahh the zoom in on the crazy bro lol
7. lunch w/ grace, aleena, and alex... (i think).. dr. kalmar with her strawberry icecream!! lol grace-- the crazy overflowing toilet! ur psychic capabilities! that was so scary!!
8. go see the boards with grace and other ppls... the monkeynauts!! hiding behind boards with lauren watching a certain entertainment (*wink,wink*) lmao. grace: "Do u think SHE reallly _______?" SHE walks over. lol
9. run-offss annoying judge who kept looking down... lol
10. the evil swan lake!! lesbian action... mrs padilla(seeing one of the "skinnies'" mom:) There's one of the skinnies' mother, I guess anorexia doesn't fall far from the tree."
11. AWARDS CEREMONY!!!!! imitating galileo with lauren lol
the blue shirts trying to compete with us over loudest cheering!! how dare they question our authority!! FFMS rox!!!
paper: tabitha- 1st! :)
indiv doc.: grace- 1st! me- 2nd!! YAY! NATionaLS HERe i COME!!
group doc.: 1st- ali and jessi-- :)
group board: 2nd: alex and marie :)
indiv performance: 1st- andre, 2nd- tom :)
group performance: 2nd- lauren and sam, 3rd- dan, tim, john-- who really deserved first but were robbed by the anorexic, lesbian swan lake. that really sucked :(
then we got our pins! so we can charge extra for them to hte other states and poke the skinnies to death with them!! YAY!!
bUS RiDE hOMe!
talking mean things about the japs.. ahah thats always fun.
truth or truth: (the only dares were licking things. ah, tom u r a sick, sick child.) some interesting info that i will not post here. wat's said on the coach bus, stays on the coach bus. ;) ;)
dinner->> ahh! starbucks closed! :( by deformed chicken fingers :P
seeing my parentals, and THE SKINNES!! ahhh!! mrs padilla: "it must be a rare occasion for food." lol
alex-- mr. padilla and mr. st john. ah, wat a romantic coooperstown!! lmao!!
***dodoododooooo!!! so sad it's over... well over for everyone else.....***
im all alone with the teaches, and my mom calls on the cell: "don't get freaked out, but ur grandmother was just in a car accident." i give the phone to dr k and mrs p and i have to go home with dr k b/c lucy's out and i dont have the key!! havce u ever thought that u would have to sleep over at dr k's house!! what a nightmare!! most horrifying moment of my life!!! thank god my sister was home and i just got dropped off. *phew*
well everyone thank god my grandma's okay, thought her car was, as my parents say, "totally totalled."
so for now,
adieu, adieu.