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pocochina July 23 2016, 08:28:47 UTC
Sad though I am about Trump being the nominee, I feel like y'all dodged a bullet with TRUE BELIEVER Ted Cruz

Yeah. I mean, Lindsey Graham's analogy is pretty apt. (If one national Republican were going to show a little spine and do the right thing by endorsing HRC, my money's on him. Not holding my breath, though.)

But, because Trump is so batshit crazy, we've kind of had to understate how batshit crazy Cruz is, too. And he might have had a less dismal chance of winning. Because he at least is willing to run a professional operation, and he is at least capable of conducting himself as an adult. He had a very impressive legal career - HE USED HIS POWERS FOR EVIL but he does have them - and thus might have stood a chance at holding his own in a debate with Hillary. And, because he is capable of speaking Reasonable Republican, he would have allowed people to convince themselves that he is not viciously hostile toward American values.

BUT moving onto other political news, any thoughts on Clinton's VP pick?

He wasn't as much on my radar as a couple of the other candidates, so I might change my mind on this, but I like what I've been reading about him. His record isn't identical to Hillary's on policy, but they think in a very similar way - they aren't big showboat progressives, they're people who think concretely about what works for people on the ground. Personally, I like that. Grandstanding has its place, but it is not the vice-presidency, for a lot of reasons. Oh, and he's going to do a lot to neutralize Pence's ostensibly religious justification for his frothing sadism, which is another media narrative that's gotta go.

The campaign rolled it out exactly right, too - doing it within 24 hours of Trump's acceptance, before people/television reporters had a chance to convince themselves that it was anything less than shocking was the right moment to drive in the VOTE FOR GROWN-UPS message.


rosaxx50 July 23 2016, 09:13:48 UTC
I've actually watched the full episode where Lindsey Graham appeared, and immediately sent the joke onto a friend also fond of watching politics. Lindsey Graham does seem to be a person who sticks to his guns, from what I've read about him.

(And yeah, those were my thoughts on Cruz: almost equally bad in some areas, worse in others, but Ted "lets shut the government" Cruz was better at packaging his dangerous ideas for consumption. Better at organising for delegates, more polished with the political machine. So, like, Cruz 2020 is definitely coming.)

I liked what I read about Kaine's political views, too, in the sense that they've changed through time - even if he still has the same values. I mean, it's hardly a weakness for someone to change with the country. God forbid one listen to their constituents.

Also, in this time of craziness, I was reading a New Zealand High Court judgment that I thought might amuse you.

(For context, New Zealand has a waaaaay to go with reproductive rights, the person who effectively functions as our VP is religiously against legalising it in any way, and the law that allows abortions lumps surgical and medical abortions together. Presumably in the wake of the initial Whole Women's Health vs Texas, an NZ anti-abortion group decided to try and close down an abortion clinic by saying
- it didn't have the facilities to provide a surgical abortion, and licenses could only be granted to places that could do both
- it couldn't be licensed to perform abortions up to 9 weeks, because the only available licenses specified up to 12 weeks

And the judge ruled that it was bullshit, except for the 9 weeks part. And asked that the clinic be licensed to perform abortions up to 12 weeks instead of 9.)

pps. As someone overseas - Trump's definitely worse. Bush was at least a politician. The consensus here is that Trump is a cartoon that somehow escaped the TV and decided to commit war crimes... never mind that Bush has actually started a war.


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