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pocochina July 21 2016, 20:31:40 UTC
I'm not doing a victory dance, though.

Oh, definitely not. More "hysteria-tinged black humor."

Rationally, I think that things are going to look a lot better next week when the Avengers assemble in Philadelphia. (Even for "oooh shiny" voters who don't want to listen to grown-ups, lol. Trump wearing out his schtick on four days of incompetent monotonous hatred is hardly as entertaining as back-to-back nights of Bill Clinton and Joe Biden off the leash.) But the fact that we even have to worry about it at all is terrifying.

the gross hypocrisy of a party viscerally attacking the Obamas (including Michelle) still stole her convention speech

A passage about hard work, no less. These people make Dubya look like a great statesman.

I can't see myself being more charmed if this was a disciplined convention with Bush, Romney, McCain appearing, if Cruz and Eileen Collins endorsed Trump. It would speak more for his leadership abilities but there's attention and comfortably lower expectations that come with a sloppy convention.

Right. It's not the disorganization that's the problem. (Though, as cynical as it is to say, that's probably what will filter down and influence people on a gut level.) Like, the Carson disaster would probably not have gotten past a moderately professional campaign staff working with a decent roster of speakers. But Christie wasn't saying anything the HUAC House EMAILGAZIWATERJUSTICE4VINCE Committee hasn't been shrieking all month, you know? He's just better at public speaking than they are. Steve King was using Respectable Republican tone and words when he tried to explain why "western European culture" has just ~contributed more to the world. Shit, they might be getting worse press if they were doing a halfway competent job, because without this much buffoonery to fill the air time, the true abhorrence would probably get more attention and emphasis.

The problem is that this is a party consisting of a) bigots and b) craven enablers of bigotry, which has been dependent on post-truth propaganda for decades now. Most of the worst stuff isn't even coming from Trump, for once in his life. The GOP sold its soul with the Southern strategy and the reckoning is upon them. (The Fall of Ailes happening during the Week of Trump is too fucking perfect.)

ETA: Oooh, and Dr. Carson's Hillary = Saul Alinsky = Lucifier. M-CATed "logic" game!


"I SAW GOODY CLINTON SPEAKIN' WITH THE DEVIL" -too many of these fucking fascists to even keep track of, MY GOD


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