look, the pie!

Dec 31, 2014 01:00

It seems my psychosomatic Christmas avoidance flu was in fact the actual flu and all I've been any good for in the past week or so is watching Game of Thrones on a loop. And a little quality self-pity, but mostly Game of Thrones.

So, December Talking Meme is officially a January talking meme.

But I do have a few stray thought about GoT that I want to catch in case I want to write more later.

+I'm not a fan of King Robert, but I am all about Mark Addy's scenery-chewing capabilities. "THE WHOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRE IS PREGNANT!" Misogynist slur being used during a child murder plot, yah, but ahahahhaaha.

+I am totally into Stannis. He's all weird and grumpy and self-righteous and I totally get that. But he'd be an awful king - less because of his R'hllorism and general rigidity, and more because he would micromanage himself to death. I feel like he would insist on making everyone in Westeros queue into the throne room so he could personally try and behead every traitor.

+I generally agree with Race for the Iron Throne that Ned did better in King's Landing than he gets credit for, but I do think he made a particularly consequential miss in his last scene with Robert: if he was going to forge the will anyway, he could've slipped in a legitimization of Gendry or another one or two of the little Robert look-alike bastards he knew where to find. Or even gone back in with another document and some pretext (saying it was a legitimization of Jon, maybe?) after he realized Renly was going rogue. There were enough plots in motion that it probably wouldn't have established a stable Baratheon dynasty, but if he'd handled it right (doing what Renly suggested, just not with Joffrey), I do think he could've brought Renly and Stannis to heel long enough to deal with the Lannisters.

+I love how bratty the Stark kids are in S1. But also, how they seem to have a sharp streak of ruthlessness which I highly doubt was consciously instilled in them. I'm tempted to say that I suspect they get it from Catelyn, who almost certainly had no idea how tough she herself is, but Jon shows it too? Like, killing Ygritte's Nice Guy in self-defense is one thing, but taunting the guy after striking a decisive death blow is just cold.

+Though being regularly dragged out to watch their father decapitate people for having the good sense to run from zombies could have a bit to do with it. PERHAPS.

+But Cat does have a vengeful streak a mile wide. I get the sense that both anti- and pro-Cat fandom at large miss it because she's a woman driven by such conventionally feminine goals, and because she is so breathtakingly cool and pragmatic about it. But that second thing makes her so much more dangerous - she never has to think about it, she never shoots herself in the foot in a way that might make her start to think about it. Her fixation on Tyrion even after he pointed out the farcical tenuousness of her accusations. "First we will rescue your sisters, and then we will kill them all." "Show them how it feels to lose what they love." Slicing the Frey girl's throat after Robb was killed, just because she said she would. It's not that she doesn't prioritize protecting her children when that is an option, but when that's not at issue, it's quite clear that Arya is the only one of her children who might match her in vindictiveness. I LOVE HER.


+Theon is just, like, the platonic ideal of a fuckboy. Even before he gets captured I almost can't help but feel bad for him, always flopping like the fish on land that he is.

+Speaking of, Ramsay creeps me out so much more than Joffrey. (For that matter, Roose strikes me as being more dangerous than Tywin, since he doesn't seem to have that Achilles heel of that insatiable ego.) Unlike Joffrey, Ramsay is pretty bright, trained in something useful - horrifying, but useful - and he's not blinkered by Joffrey's sense of entitlement. That scene where Roose brings his wife Walda into the castle is so absurd and awkward. It's one of those times when Ramsay tries to be a real boy and LMAO. Walda is adorable and I hope she does the world a favor and smothers those psychopaths in their sleep.


+I love how Dany uses her dragons the way kids use their imaginary friends. "I promised not to kill you, but my dragons didn't!" "Put out a cookie for me and a cookie for Ms. Cuddles!"
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game of thrones, asoiaf

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