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pocochina December 9 2014, 19:12:05 UTC
He needs to own up to what he did to Jimmy Novak by possessing Claire and thus getting Jimmy to say yes again.

IDK, I think the culpability Cas personally bears for the Novak family is kind of inflated by fandom. Unless there's something new we'll learn tonight, it's not like he sailed in thinking he could personally benefit from the situation? He had just been snatched away, possibly MKULTRA'd and probably tortured, until he sincerely believed that compliance with The Plan, including getting a vessel, was a matter of life or death for a lot of people. I think fandom crowing about Cas needing to feel more guilt for that is pretty sketch. And letting go of Caroline and going back to (a presumably torture-and-mindwipe-free) Heaven was only a viable option for Hannah because angels like Cas did what they had to do to deal with the archangels and Naomi and Metatron.

It's definitely messy and the Novaks didn't volunteer for martyrdom, for sure (including Jimmy, since "consent" to possession is not in any way meaningful consent), and I applaud Cas doing what he can for Claire, but lbr this is very low on Team Winchester's list of misdeeds.

After Cole left I shouted at my TV, "Sam, he does the same thing to you." I think he's starting to see some flashes of the gaslighting that Dean has been doing to him.

Yeah, that was not a great move to make Sam wise to one of his favorite strategies. I feel like two years ago he would have been sold enough on the reliability of his Dean The Suffering Hero narrative that he'd have been secure enough to say yes, Sam, woe is me, or at least to shut Sam down in a way that didn't make him look bad (the tried and true "what you wanna talk about our feelings, you girl"). Instead he gave up the ghost in a way that'll make it harder for him to play Sam.

I hope I'm wrong, but I have this weird feeling that Dean will try to kill Sam again. Don't know how that will play out, if they (the writers) will actually do it or just threaten it.

Yeah, the important thing is for Sam to figure out the power dynamic there. I don't know if anything less than that will get it through his head.


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