In a headspace-way, I think Don and Betty are the most impressive of the three you’ve listed? I think they are a really sharp look at their generation. I can’t…distance enough from Sopranos family life to really gauge them in the same way.
That said, I’m going to have to go with D, other. Because strictly speaking, How to Get Away With Murder’s Annalise and Sam are one such marriage, and IMO they blow all others out of the water.
I haven't thought about the show as much as I want to, so this is short, but someday I will come back to this topic because it's so interesting to me.
A white man who is clearly accustomed to a certain lifestyle, unfaithful, immoral, inexplicably but relentlessly dissatisfied, Sam Keating is the conventional Serious Drama antiheroic protagonist. HTGAWM flips the script, though, and makes Sam an object in Annalise’s story, rather than the subject of everyone else’s. It is Annalise whose powerhouse intellect and charisma draws their world into her orbit, Annalise whose very public career consumes their private space; Annalise whose affairs are shown in-depth and at least not unsympathetically; Annalise who ultimately sits over Sam’s corpse as regally as a queen.
The death of the conventional antihero is something of a generational horror story. Those in power will not go gently. Sam isn’t just killed, no. He is thrown over a balcony, bludgeoned to death, hacked apart, burned, and dumped in the garbage. And who does this? Women, people of color, and a gay guy. The various students’ complicity in the murder symbolizes the shitty bargains that people who aren’t conventionally within power structures must make to get ahead, or even to survive.
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